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Many dogs suffer immensely when grooming is neglected. Usually owners are either unaware of the importance of grooming their dogs, or they are not certain how best to go about it. Sometimes owners may think they are brushing their dog's coat properly, but in reality they are just brushing the top layer of the hair leaving the knots behind! It is very important to have the proper equipment such as a good slicker brush and a wide toothed metal comb to make grooming your pet easier and less time consuming.

If grooming is neglected, the dog's hair will become matted so tightly that it will pinch and pull the skin with every movement your dog makes. When the coat is in such bad condition, it may need to be shaved down to the skin and your dog may experience discomfort from this process. When shaving a matted coat off, the blood rushes to the surface of the skin and can tingle and itch, causing your dog to chew, lick and scratch himself. This can be the beginning of many skin irritations so PREVENTION is better than cure. Also, under all that matting your dog may have sores, parasites or develop hot spots that you can't see. Matting may also prevent the skin from doing its primary job of protecting and regulating your dogs temperature. 

Although we can remove some degree of knots from the coat, de-matting is very time consuming and therefore a further cost may be added to your service. Matting will prevent us from giving your dog a great style, and should be avoided. Keeping nails clipped and ears cleaned are also necessary for your dog's health and well-being.


It is however not only the long coated breeds, but also short coated breeds that can benefit from a session at the salon!  This will keep your pets skin and hair healthy, ears clean and nails short,  making them more comfortable.  It also is a chance for a regular basic health check. 

Regular grooming appointments are strongly encouraged for all breeds.  This will mean a pleasant experience each time for your dog. It will also help to eliminate offensive doggy odours, excessive hair shed, and will reduce any dander in your home which may cause allergies in some people. 


We are dedicated to educating and helping owners learn the skills needed to keep their dog's coat healthy and matt free. It's easy, please ask us how!



01205 290880

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